10 Gen 2024
11 Gen 2024
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Das Hotel Sierra Silvana verfügt über einen großen Kongressraum, den „Salone della Luna“ im 2.Stock, mit 350 Plätzen, großen Fenstern, die ihn sehr hell machen, ausgestattet mit Direktwahltelefon und Klimaanlage.
Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich 7 gemütliche Räume für Tagungen und Geschäftstreffen mit einer Kapazität von 10 bis 150 Personen und Konferenztechnik.
5 Minuten vom Hotel entfernt befindet sich ein Kongresszentrum für 1100 Personen.

Tagungsräume 7

Super offer for families

Special offer for those staying at least 5 nights with one night complimentary! up to twelve years old 2 children are free of charge!
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4=3_bed and breakfast_ march_april_may_october

Hotel sierra silvana offers you a special offer with one free night for a minimum stay of 4 nights - available only for bookings on our official website
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5=4_b&b_june and september

Hotel sierra silvana offers you a special offer with one free night for a minimum stay of 5 nights - available only for bookings on our official website
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6=5_b&b_june and july

Hotel sierra silvana offers you a special offer with one free night for a minimum stay of 6 nights - available only for bookings on our official website
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Stay minimum 7 nights and get 15% discount

Special offer for those staying at least 7 nights
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Stay minimum 7 nights and get 15% discount

Special offer for those staying at least 7 nights
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Stay minimum 7 nights and get 15% discount

Special offer for those staying at least 7 nights
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